03 Jan

Eyelash extensions are a popular beauty fad that has gained tremendous popularity. The sudden rise in demand for eyelash services is due to the ease of application, longer lashes, and professional results. However, you must know how to clean your eyelash extensions properly if you want to keep them looking exactly how they did when you first got them. Below are a few tips to help you clean your extensions properly and maintain their beauty.

Why Do Eyelash Extensions Need To Be Cleaned?

Like any beauty treatment, a thorough cleaning routine is essential for maintaining the quality and longevity of eyelash extensions. Mascara and other eye makeup can damage lashes, mainly if applied on already applied extensions. Failing to clean correctly will lead to more problems like breakage, damage, and infection, which you don't want.

How Often Should You Clean Your Extensions?

It is recommended to clean your classic set of eyelash extensions after every three weeks for maintenance and after every 5-6 weeks for removal. This will give you the flexibility to change up your makeup routine without having to worry about removing lashes prematurely. It also gives you time to let them settle in, so they don't get damaged. 

Methods For Cleaning Eyelash Extensions

Remember to be gentle when cleaning your lashes and only use safe tools. Using harsh makeup removers can strip the glue and destroy adhesive bonds, resulting in lash fallout. This will also lead to infection, which means you will have to remove them sooner than expected. You also want to avoid using any oily products near the lash line as this can cause bacteria and fungal growth.

The step-by-step method to clean eyelash extensions

Step 1: Start with your client's face upwards and gently brush away any loose dirt or debris around the lash line. Use a non-oily makeup brush to sweep away all makeup residue. Remember not to tug at the lashes.

Step 2: Place cotton pads soaked in remover solution along the lash line, avoiding outer corners where the skin is thinner.

Step 3: Gently press the lashes downwards to allow the product to settle in between them, and leave for a few minutes. Repeat until all dirt and impurities have been lifted away from the lash line.

Step 4: Take cotton pads soaked with water and gently wipe them around the lash line to remove any remover solution..

Step 5: You can also use a lash brush to carefully brush away any remaining mascara and eyeliner residue from your client's lashes. Don't apply too much force, as this might damage the lashes, especially if they're made of mink or silk.

Step 6: Once you have cleaned volume lashes, remove the glue using oil-free eye makeup remover.

Step 7: Finally, use a cotton pad soaked in water to remove all traces of oil-based makeup removers around the lash line.

When all the above steps are done, gently blot away any excess water with a cotton bud or towel.

You're all done! Your classic eyelash extensions are now clean and ready for application again.

Remember to be patient when cleaning lashes, as rushing can damage them beyond repair. Also, remember that using a harsh makeup remover solution will only result in cleaners that strip the glue and cause the lash to fall out. This will also cause infection, resulting in lashes being removed earlier than expected.

It's essential to note that while this is the most effective way of cleaning your lashes, you should avoid using oil-based makeup removers (e.g., olive or castor oil), which can cause bacteria and fungal growth. Instead, always use oil-free remover, which you can purchase easily from most salons or beauty supply shops. Also, here are some reasons to know that lash extension is worth it and will enhance your appearance.

Final verdict

Remember to be gentle and use non-oily makeup remover when cleaning your lashes, as well as only using safe tools such as a non-oily makeup brush. Avoid tugging the lashes too hard as this can damage them beyond repair.

Now that you know how to professionally clean eyelash extensions, what are you waiting for? Follow these steps to make your job easier next time you're faced with a dirty lash line.

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